02 January 2007

Useful Finance, Performance, & Demographic Data

Greetings in 2007, may this new year bring us closer to beginning some meaningful process changes in the education of our country’s greatest resources – our teenagers.

I finally found a site with stats about what we spend on schools and how we spend it. Standard and Poor’s is doing an excellent job with this “School Matters” site they created. That they do it speaks volumes about its' reliability and validity. The site is located at http://www.schoolmatters.com/.

In 2004 we had 49 million students in public schools and were spending $4,910 on instruction for each student in 2003. Yes, those are public tax dollars being spent.

There is a ton of information here. You can drill down by state on performance, spending, and demographics or look at the national averages. This is an excellent resource to learn more about specific schools and who the education leaders are in a specific geographic location.

Happy browsing!

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